info about fishing the Zambezi River
As with all fishing, success is often dependent on seasons and fishing methods. We divide the Zambezi into three sections to give more insight as to when and where to fish.
From source to Victoria Falls
fishing the upper zambezi river
This section of the river can be successfully fished through-out the year but one must change methods to ensure that catch rates remain high. There is a simple formula; if the fish can see (i.e. water clarity) then it can chase your fly, lure and bait. Clear water on the upper Zambezi is common from late May until December.
This massive window of fishing opportunity has its peak from May-October for fly and lure fishermen. During the height of the rainy season bait fishing for tiger become the norm as the waters of the Zambezi River become wide and dirty, the fish resort mainly to smell to seek out your offerings.

Fishing is mainly done from small boats that drift down the river allowing anglers to cover many parts of the river that are known to hold big fish. Occasionally the boats tie-up on sandbanks for lunch followed by some bank fishing in the afternoon.
Times Of The Year
Upper Zambezi tiger fish can be caught throughout the year. Certain fishing methods work better than others at different times of the year.

how and when to fish for Tigers on the upper Zambezi
here is a simple to use chart for the best time
to fish for Tigers on the upper Zambezi and what method to use.
TROLLING | xx | xx | x | x | x | xx | xx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx |
DRIFT BAITING | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xx | xx | xx | x | x | xx | xx | xxx |
SPINNING | x | x | x | x | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xx | xx | xx |
FLY FISHING | x | x | x | x | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xx | xx | x |
method of fishing
basic guidelines
spinner and fly

bait fishing

Victoria Falls to lake kariba
fishing the middle zambezi river
The Upper Zambezi River ends abruptly as it cascades over the magnificent Victoria Falls, this massive river is forced down a narrow gorge and eventually flows into the man-made Lake Kariba. Lake Kariba was created in 1958 when the dam wall was finally finished; the “lake” took 5 years to fill and has become a manmade inland “sea” supporting a vast array of wildlife species and fantastic dam fishing.

dam fishing
Lake Kariba is approx. 220kms long and in parts up to 40kms wide! Since the lake was established a vibrant local fishing industry has grown in conjunction. In the early years a major protein source, the Tanganyika sardine (Limnothryssa miodon), known locally as ‘kapenta’ (fresh water white bait) was introduced,
This species flourished and by co-incidence happens to be a favourite food source of our target species the tiger fish. The tiger fish in Lake Kariba can grow up to 15kgs ( Zimbabwean Jennifer Daynes hold the record tiger fish that weighed in at 16,193 kilograms! ) as food is readily available.
Times Of The Year
Tiger fishing on Lake Kariba is good through-out the year with even the “quieter” winter months (June-August) known to produce good fish. The lake also offers keen anglers the opportunity of many other species such as bream including the introduced Nile Tilapia, big cat-fish (barbel) and Cornish jack.

Lake kariba to a wilderness beyond
fishing the lower zambezi river
From beyond the dam wall at Lake Kariba we now enter the section of the river which is known as The Lower Zambezi, this section of the river offers fantastic big game viewing combined with world class fishing. Most large mammals that occupy the Lower Zambezi national park congregate on the floodplains including: buffalo, numerous elephants, lions, leopards and many antelope species plus crocodiles and hippos. Birdlife is prolific so if the fishing is a bit on the quiet side the wildlife will keep you occupied until those hungry tigers go on the bite again!
Anglers are taken out in small boats whereupon they embark on a drift. Casts are made towards the shore line and at the many dead trees and structures that lie in the river, perfect holding areas for tiger! Some basic skills are required to ensure that fish are caught, not branches and rocks!
Sometimes anglers can be safely dropped off on sandbank and allowed to cast into the moving waters that hold many big tiger and bream. This method can sometimes include you having to share your sandbank with the odd crocodile or two; your guide will always be with you to ensure you focus on the fishing and not the crocs!

Times Of The Year
Fishing the lower Zambezi is best during the summer months between September and May but again the winter months can offer good catches depending on methods used to entice the ever hungry tiger to feed and strike. Tiger fish and many species of bream are common on this section of the river as well as huge Vundu, a member of the catfish family.
Over the years many local anglers have discovered an unusual bait for this fish, the cheapest strongest smelling soap will prove to be a good attraction on your hook. Fly-fishing for tiger fish has become an increasingly popular activity. Tiger fish of 4-7 kg are commonly caught.
Chris Wood
Owner/guide – TigerFishingZambezi (since 2004)
TigerFishingZambezi gives accurate information regarding times of the year to fish the Zambezi. Depending on how clients like to fish (method) and skills level, the different times of the year can yield varied results.
Unfortunately we cannot be held responsible for a client “blanking” or catching fewer fish than expected as many variables such was water levels/temp, un-predictable weather and the fact that fish are simply off the bite can contribute to fishing occasionally being poor.
We wish every client to land their PB – (Personal Best) and enjoy the fantastic experience of being on the Zambezi River, occasionally this might not happen but we expect and encourage guides and clients to adapt and try every method possible to get onto their best fish.